A Special Thanks to the 2022 Auction, Games, and Raffle Donors! We could not do it without you!!!
as of August 4, 2022
Anakeesta Apartment Services, Inc. B & O Railroad Museum Baltimore Coffee and Tea Baltimore Museum of Industry Baltimore Orioles Basignani Winery Berger Cookies-DeBaufre Bakeries, Inc. BlueStone Restaurant Brian Bowden Brother Bob Bob Cecil City Bonfires Conrad's Crabs Crayola Experience in Easton PA Cuvino Trattoria Pizza Enoteca DC Skydiving Center Kathy and Gary Deane Delmarva Shorebirds Rebecca Dietrich Dimitri Olive Oil Jim and Nancy Dodds Nancy Dougherty Flavor Cupcakery Bel Air Tracey Flora Katie and Geoff Froehlich Giant Food-Landover Maryland Reyn Giese Dee and Neil Gittings Mike Gittings and Jenny Kinniff Glory Days Grill Sophia Glyphis Goetze's Candy Debbye and Pete Golden Great Moments Sports Memorabilia The Inn on Main Annapolis Iron Rooster Koco's Pub Dina and Rich Kuhns Leonard Paper Company Lib's Grill Noreen and Robert Lidston Log Cabin Chocolates Jess and Pat Maher Kristin Marquis John and Carol McBeth Mercy High School, Class of 1968 Mother's North Grill Mouth Party Caramel Movement Timonium Mt. Washington Tavern Nancy and Jim Dodds National Aquarium Pizza John's Poulet Rainbow Distributors Robin Reed Sandra Paetow Photography Caroline Senatore Six Flags Great America Smith Island Baking Company Smyth Jewelers Speedwell Garage, Inc. Toby's Dinner Theatre Total Wine & More Towson Hot Bagels Union Craft Brewing Tracey Veihmeyer Weber's Cider Mill Farm Wegmans Wildbrids Unlimited Sally and Chuck Zeller